So, these are sayings, made up by me, so they are "Inspirational". I wanna try to make this like life, cuz idk...NVM, OK these are ... idk what these are Main Points: Life’s a story, so make yours different from others. Everyone's different, and people need to respect that, some people in life you will hate or dislike for your own personal reason, but they are them, and you are you. Life’s a race, and we are all trying to get out of it. We all have our roadblocks and challenges down the road. You may pull ahead, but then fall behind. Don’t always assume your the best because there’s always gonna be someone better. Take what you have for granted, don’t wish for more.... SO, get out of the race sooner, try harder in the beginning to gain a lead and keep it. Make a plan to overcome your roadblocks and challenges, that way, you can whiz past it. DON'T WAIT. DON'T BE AFRAID. DON'T BE A BYSTANDER. All of these things people should fol...