The Struggles of Summer Vacation

Summer vacation is much more than half gone already! So gee what to do. Hm...... Yea I don't know either. Here are The Struggles of Summer Vacation.

1. The Heat - Yay summer time to enjoy yourself and the 100000000000000 degree weather. Death. I literally melt like ice cream in a oven every time I go outside. When I get into a car that's been outside. WOOHOOOOOO I'm ice cream soup that's dissolving...sooo what can you do to cool off?....

2. The Pools - No bigge just jump into the nice OVERLY CROWDED, PEE-INFESTED, WARM 75 DEGREE POOL OF COURSE. OR you can always jump into someone's pool who doesn't touch their pool at all and maybe freeze half to death, but you can still go to the first option of course :D

3. What to do what to do -  Hey let's see if Bob is available.....dang it he's on a vacation. Hey let's see if Jeff is available.....dang it he's studying. Hey let's see if Joe is available.....dang it he's on the toilet. Of course, you'll probably be one of those tryhards staying inside either watching Fortnite or playing Fortnite. OR being and different tryhard and studying for school everyday. OR me, a lazy butt who sleeps til noon and just eats or watches tv.

4. Forgetting stuff - As soon as school begins, everybody is happy to see one another and excited for their classes. How do you say hi in Spanish? Uh....Adios? Yeap, everyone is all messing around during summer until school starts, then everyone is running around and chucking things all over the place. What's 9 divided by 3? Er....27? So START STUDYING!

5. Addiction - Addiction is a disease, if you or someone you know has had addiction, call this number now. JUST STOP. People will most likely develop at least ONE bad habit over summer. I have waaay to many. For example, my addiction to the computer, my addiction to instagram (except i think I can stop easily), and my addiction to Pokemon legends. When school starts i'll probably be like where are my 5 hours of pokemon, 10 hours of instagram, and 20 hours of computer time.

AND YAUP those are my summer struggles.

Song: The Nights
Artist: Avicii


  1. 1. lol true
    2. uh ok
    3. Don't u play fortnite?
    4. ok
    5. Lol pokemon legends

    1. 1. yup
      2. IT'S TRU
      3. o ya..
      4. ya
      5. and instagram


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