Lake Tahoe y'all


Driving up to Lake Tahoe is usually the worst part of the trip, but in this case, snowboarding was probably one of the worst things from my trip to Lake Tahoe! We went with a group of families, (roughly 3-4 other families). When I first got there, I left the cabin, and my family drove to the snowboard shop where we tried on many different snowboards and snowboard shoes. The snowboarding shoes were painful and tight. We got our snowboards and went back to the cabin. The cabin was more fun than the snowboarding itself! There was a game room with foosball, air hockey, darts, and pool. Many of the kids brought games such as Exploding Kittens (really fun) and iPads to watch their favorite shows and play their favorite games. It was so fun, I didn’t want to go to bed! The next morning, we woke up early so we could go snowboarding (and skiing for some people). Squaw was not very crowded since the week before had been presidents day with a 3-day weekend. Also, people were not there because of the severe weather. It was snowing and there were high winds! We went up the gondola, over the hill, and to another mountain. When we got there, we took a ski lift up higher! When we were on the ski lift, it was so windy that you could barely breath! Luckily, my mom had bought my brother and I ski masks so we could keep warm and it could be easier to breath (thanks mom). Even then, my brother complained that he wanted to go home as we were going up the ski lift. As soon, as we got off, my brother played dominoes. He knocked over somebody, who knocked over me, which made me knock over someone else. We started to go down, when all of a sudden, the wind pushed me off track and onto the steep trail. I didn’t want to risk going down the steep way, so I took of my board and walked back up (which is really hard to do in the snow). Finally, I got back up and rode down, but when I got down, I saw my brother and my dad getting of track like me and eventually, they went down the steep trail. I was alone. Luckily, we went with another family, so I could stick with them. The 2nd I went down, the wind was too strong for me. I stayed on the right trail except the wind was so strong that I couldn’t see a thing ahead of me. I had to stop or else I would crash, except I couldn’t. The wind wouldn’t let me slow down, so I had to force the fall, (which hurt my bottom) and waited until the winds passed. I then rode on down. I was really tired after my 2nd run so the family I was sticking with said we could stop. We got down and ate some yummy food (really good pizza and pasta). For desert, we got these waffles from this place called Euro Snack, where they put sugar IN the dough (which made it taste like heaven). Once we got back to the cabin, we played in the snow for a couple of hours. When I went back inside, everything was dry and I was really thirsty. I showered and drank tons of water (2-3 bottles of water). Not long after, I played in the game room, ate like it was a buffet, and played some more. Sadly, the day was coming to an end, and all the families were going in their rooms to sleep. I was bummed, because the next day, I would have to say goodbye to the wonderful snow. In the end, we had lots of fun and are planning to go again soon (spring break)!


  1. I see you play exploding kittens, a game for CAT LOVERS cough cough

    1. All games with cats are only for cat lovers
      Totally not subjective at all cough cough

  2. haha I cannot ski or snowboard or anything...
    they put SUGAR in the WAFFLE DOUGH
    isn't that normal tho?

    1. P.S. are u like, South American now?
      more like YEET
      ok i'll stop


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