Part passer(5)

Hey guys! Ever heard of daily posts on Joshua's blog? Well, DAILY POST!! lol no way im gonna continue this. I have stuff to write on other blog.

There was once a snake that lived in the jungle. He hissed at everyone who passed by turning their faces into a frightened look. The snake always felt superior whenever this happened, which was occasionally. Occasionally a ranger would stop by and would show no emotion when the snake hissed at him. Occasionally the snake would have no one to hiss at. Occasionally there were too many people to hiss at. He lived a happy life until one day. It was this day that he was hanging out in his jungle, and then sees a group of other snakes. The snake panics and hides in the bush because he know he will be outnumbered. He squeezes inside the bush and moves to the right because something to the left was poking him. He hears a strong voice saying "I think I just heard the bush rustle. Maybe a bird has begun to lay eggs!" The snake's heart dropped and tried to remain calm, but couldn't. He hears the movement of the snake moving closer. Every "thump" grew louder and louder. The snakes were about to peek inside...........

 This is the second part of Wilson's story.

when SNAP the branch broke underneath him and he broke off into a dash. Running as fast as he could without stopping, he occasionally would make a turn to try and lose them. After a few minutes he hid inside a tree and hoped that he had lost them. He had rested for a few minutes and thought it was safe, so he took one step out and ... BAM

  "Hi, are you lost?" asked the snake (2)
  "HISSSSSSSSS, I mean um, yes," he replied

  "here, allow us to help" replied the other snake (2)

  "oh, um thanks!" replied the snake, confused.

  They lead him back to their camp and explained to him how they were a tribe called the Peacekeepers. They explained how helped the animals of the jungle that had arguments. They also explained how they heard there was a bully snake roaming in the forest. He stayed with them for a while, and they taught them their ways. He learned that he shouldn't cause problems, instead he should help...
ya i cannot do this tbh, it rly sucks and no offense, but it wasn't the best prompt...Sorry, I'll make it up 2 u wilson (TRUST ME)
Moral: Don't always think so highly of yourself

Dude josh I'm lovin it. Don't thing low of yourself :)

          Three weeks had passed since snake joined the Peacekeepers. It was all a normal day until Bobby, the leader of the Peacekeepers said that they should go visit the forest. Snake found that weird and suspicious, but didn't hesitate to go with Bobby. 

"Come in! There's something I wanna show you!" Bobby said before sneaking in a evil grin.
"Uh... Okay." Snake stammered 

    Snake looked all around him and found a beautiful scene of redwood trees. A clump of logs found no doubt that lizards were hiding underneath the logs. Snake walked further into the jungle when he heard a clicking sound followed by another. Snake found this sound similar to the reloads of a rangers gun. He looked in to see, unsurprisingly, two rangers kneeling on the ground, and not to soon was when both of the rangers spotted snake, and squeezed the trigger, firing wildly.

 YAY Okay den here is part 4

BANG BANG BANG The shotgun went. Snake quickly turned around, desperately looking for Bobby, but there was no sign of him. He was on his own. Quickly, he slithered back through the log, hoping they would not see him. 

"Hey, I think he went this way," ranger 1 said.

"I hope so, that dang snake always scares the HECK out of all the animals, then there are no animals for the tourists to see," ranger 2 responded.

Chuck-chick the shotgun loaded. Snake was quivering with fear and his mind was rushing with question. Why did Bobby lead me here? Does he want me dead? What did I do? 

After a couple of minutes, Snake slowly slithered outside, ensuring his safety. He looked around, and took a big sigh... when ALL OF A SUDDEN, BANG BANG BANG, he saw birds flying east and animals running rapidly away from the Peacekeepers camp. What was going on?

Dis is probably gonna be easy, but there is gonna be a big choice you will have to make that will determine the story. Good luck!

Pretty sure that "big choice" is one that you've never thought of


Snake had always dreamed of being a hero. His mother had read and watched with him many "hero's journey" genre books. While reading them, one thought had always came to mind: Hero. 

Hero. hero. Hero. Such a little word from sight, but big word in terms of meaning. He always wanted to be remembered. He would sacrifice his life just to be a hero. 

Snake turned away and slithered towards the burnt bushes. His eyes flared with anger as his mind was rushing with decisions to make. He saw a blurry figure and whipped his tail at him. He cleared his eyes to see a scarecrow. He looked around, and saw no signs of a forest. All of a sudden,


Before he knew it figures dressed in black with weapons in their hand were charging at snake, not Bobby.


  1. Ooh Bobby the traitor
    Loving the descriptions in the 3rd paragraph of part 5, along with Snake's little background story flashback.
    But will Snake allow Bobby to be the hero???
    probably not without struggle...


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