The Struggles of Being A 6th Grader - Part 1

Hey! Starting 6th grade YAY, a new life, a new start, and a new beginning! Nope, not really. There are many things to worry about and to NOT look forward to. Here are the Struggles of Being A 6th Grader.

1. Grades - Grading can be very different from your elementary school. It’s pretty basic, but the percentages of things can be confusing and you may freak out of an assignment you didn’t do great on.

2. Teachers - Some good, some bad, some okay, some stupid. Geez louise! Make up your minds! In middle school, you have good teachers and bad teachers. There's no in between teachers. So hopefully you can get good ones.

3. The "environment" - You should get used to who you think the cool kids are, who to avoid, where to not go to in your campus. Stuff like that. Your middle school is probably bigger than your elementary school so get used to it.


  1. What about first time locker room experiences?
    Not knowing where to go?
    I agree with the ones you have up though.

    P.S. why am I responding to this as a 7th grader lol


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