
Showing posts from 2017


Ugh Josh said he would post Icefall before Christmas. Guess he lied. Well, I'm bored, so ILL POST ICEFALL! So on Joshua's draft, This was what he wrote: There was a time when men and nature did not get along. Every year, a big snowstorm would come, wiping out every person living there in less than 3 days. No one has Which is actually written pretty nice. Gives a lot of preparation Okay, ill try to continue this eh There was a time when men and nature did not get along. Every year, a big snowstorm would come, wiping out every person living there in less than 3 days. No one has survived this mess, until a man named John set foot to Dublin, the city where the snowstorm would come, and was in California. He was about to attempt the impossible. He was a homeless man that ran out of money. He looked at Guinness World Records a while ago, and he saw no category for surviving the snowstorm. He wanted to make this category possible. John had all the materials needed: ...

Part passer(1)

Part Passer(1)      I write one part, Josh writes the other.     There was once a snake that lived in the jungle. He hissed at everyone who passed by turning their faces into a frightened look. The snake always felt superior whenever this happened, which was occasionally. Occasionally a ranger would stop by and would show no emotion when the snake hissed at him. Occasionally the snake would have no one to hiss at. Occasionally there were too many people to hiss at. He lived a happy life until one day. It was this day that he was hanging out in his jungle, and then sees a group of other snakes. The snake panics and hides in the bush because he know he will be outnumbered. He squeezes inside the bush and moves to the right because something to the left was poking him. He hears a strong voice saying "I think I just heard the bush rustle. Maybe a bird has begun to lay eggs!" The snake's heart dropped and tried to remain calm, but couldn't. He hears ...

We're gonna try something new...

Wilson and I are going to do this thingy where I write half of a story and Wilson finishes it. Or the other way around. Maybe... just maybe..... Here's a short sample, There was a time where only one person lived in the world. __________________________ the end, ya it's super short, that's why it is called a short sample dummie.

Google santa tracker(wilson)

Hey everybody. I figured for me to go check out the santa tracker too. I thought that 900 was a lame score in the "elf ski" that Josh played, so I tried it out. After a while, I realized that Josh was like a PRO at this game. And then I realized that your supposed to collect the gifts, which I thought you were supposed to dodge. -_- Okay. Gotta try a lot now My goal is to get 1000. I also played this game called Google Draw, just in Christmas theme.  wrealth holiday lights penguin ribbon Were the four words And this was what I drew: Dat penguin though. While blanking out in the "ribbon" I wrote hai cuz I was bored, and then the guy said "trombone" HOW DOES THAT LOOK LIKE A TROMBONE. SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME And I had no idea what a wrealth was soooo yeah And here comes the present bounce. I was literally messing around...... ...

The Struggles of Winter Holidays

YAY!!! Christmas, Hanukkah, and other traditions are all arriving. No school for 2 weeks!!! Time to catch up with friends, get out and get some exercise!!! SO HAPPY!!! Wait, no, never mind. Here are the struggles of Winter Holidays: 1. Friends - You think, yay I will have time to play with my friends, but you think some more and say how do I get in touch with them??? Your friends probably have some free time over the break, but when do you have time when they have time? So complicated. It's hard getting in touch with friends over break because school is the main social connector. 2. Family - Some relatives are just... sigh. There are some relative that you really like, but others can get really nerve wrecking. You purposely set the table so you sit 10 chairs away from that  person. Geez, chill out, it's the season of believing. BELIEVE that they have changed...or maybe not. 3. Presents - You open the door for your relatives to enter your house. They hand you a big present...


HOLY COW I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF WRITING A DIFFERENT POST WHEN MY SISTER SCREAMED FOR ME TO COME UP STAIRS TO WATCH THE TIGHT THUNDER GAME. There was exactly 48.4 seconds left when it was a tie game. (oop gotta write the rest l8er cuz TIMBERWOLVES TIGHT GAME)The nuggets somehow missed a shot, and then Russell Got the rebound and got fouled. He made his first but missed his second. nuggets immediately called time out. when going for the buzzer beater, they missed and thunder won. lolololll IN THE MIDDLE OF WRITING WHEN THIS HAPPENS: CJMCLOUELM MADE A TWO POINTER TIMBERWOLVE 8.6 SECONDS LEFT BLAZERS WINNING. OMGOGOMOGMOGM IM LITERALLY WRITING THIS SIMAULTENIOUSLY I CNA T SPEL> OMG JIMMY BUTLER is fouled owmeowerowameroawermomewr plz go OT plz go OT butler miss one freethrow. MADE HIS FIRST CMOMOCMONCMONCOMCONCOMCOCMOCMONCMONCMONCMON. SECOND ONE????? LEt's see. MADE IT OMG WE WIN TIMBERWOLVES WIN HOLYYYYYYYYYYYY EVENTS TO ADD TO MY TIMELINE HOLLLYYY WE IN TWO SECONDS LE...

Google Santa Tracker

WOO HOO!!! Less than 1 week left before Christmas. What will YOU be doing over winter? Also, if you haven't noticed yet, there is this thing called Google Santa Tracker. They have a bunch of games and learning things. Here is the link . What are your best scores? That's for the present slingshot That's for the elf ski one And this one is funny.

The Struggles of Being A 6th Grader - Part 1

Hey! Starting 6th grade YAY, a new life, a new start, and a new beginning! Nope, not really. There are many things to worry about and to NOT look forward to. Here are the Struggles of Being A 6th Grader. 1. Grades - Grading can be very different from your elementary school. It’s pretty basic, but the percentages of things can be confusing and you may freak out of an assignment you didn’t do great on. 2. Teachers - Some good, some bad, some okay, some stupid. Geez louise! Make up your minds! In middle school, you have good teachers and bad teachers. There's no in between teachers. So hopefully you can get good ones. 3. The "environment" - You should get used to who you think the cool kids are, who to avoid, where to not go to in your campus. Stuff like that. Your middle school is probably bigger than your elementary school so get used to it.

Gonna try to post more and more

I don't know what to post about cause... yeah. I'll try to post every other day until January 8th??? Also, at the end of each post, I will post some interesting news that is (totally) new. BREAKING NEWS!!!:  Mayor Ed Lee passed away by a cardiac arrest, which is a sudden loss of heart function. R.I.P. Ed Lee.

The Struggles of Being a Preschooler and Elementary Schooler

You’re very little and don’t really know what’s going on. You’re that one kid at the kids table at dinner time. You’re helpless and curious about everything. Here are the Struggles of Being a Preschooler and Elemenrtary Schooler: 1. Leaving your parents (from pre-1st or 2nd). NOOOOOOOOO!!!! here. Almost everybody cries as they have to leave their parents when they are little, but hey, who blames them, you have to leave your cozy parents arms and move on to this other random big room with lots of desks. There are also these things called books and desks. There is this tall person that is talking with my mom and dad... seems okay. Hmm.. I wonder what I’m gonna do in this room. Once you reach 1st or 2nd grade, you start to have this thing called friends and become more independent. Which leads to the next struggle. 2. Making friends (from Kindergarten to 3rd or 4th). Making friends can depend on your personality, but it could also depend on them. Honestly, I don’t really know how frie...

New series!!! The Struggles of Being A _____

Hullo! I am starting a new series of posts called The Struggles of Being A _____. Where I talk about struggles of different types of people. Once in a while, I hopefully will have a special guest where I interview them on their perspectives of who they are. Bai bai


Hi people, I'm back. I am gonna start to post on my blog again. Youtube rewind has come out. How many people can you name? I'm also writing stories now. Icefall  will be released before Christmas. hi

Hey guys!

I haven't posted on my blog in a while, so I have a great  person that stalks me! His name is Wilson! Anyway, what do you think about Hayward's injury?




No bots. No inspect element. Pure fans. 20k views. Thanks everyone

OMG 1000 VIEWS!!!


Fishy is posting

potatoes fishy like potatoes


There's been a lot of natural disasters happening lately, idk y they're happening, but they are. Hurricane Irma has already caused a lot of damage and Maria has been adding on to the damage of Irma. I feel bad for Puerto Rico... PEOPLE IF YOU CAN DONATE TO RED CROSS WHATEVER THINGY... idk wat dat was...annyyyywayyyyyyy. Also, in Mexico, lots of earthquakes have been happening. WAT IS HAPPENING 2 DIS WORLD. Mexico has been receiving earthquakes because of the 7.1 magnitude earthquake, and if you saw or heard, the buildings just crumble down because Mexico doesn't have a good foundation. There was this story about a girl stuck underneath a building, if you want to know about click  here  and/or  here . Now, onto NON-DISASTER NEWS lol. North Korea and their bombs geez why North Korea why. North Korea has reached a World War warning 5!!! Hopefully, that war doesn't happen. I'm too lazy to list out da factz, if you want to read more click  OVER HERE  but if U r 2 laz...


Wow! Summer went by fast! lol I haven't posted in so long! I've been really busy with school stuff, so yeah. Anyway here's a little something I've been working on at school.

Baby Cousin

New hit song!!! Back to You By Louis Tomlinson and Bebe Rexha So today, my grandparents were watching my baby cousin and I had to play with him. The baby songs get really annoying and stuck in my head, but I think the songs are supposed to be that way. My baby cousin (I'm just gonna call him Little from now on, even though that's not his real name lol) likes colorful things and screen time. I showed him the Peanuts christmas video on YouTube and he liked it. Little drooled and laughed (or tried to sing along). I got bored so I practiced my trumpet next to Little. He cried. So I practiced somewhere else. He stopped crying and I got to practice my trumpet, but I'm still gonna be bored tomorrow. Sigh.

Stuff to do when your bored

I'm so bored right now. There's nothing good to watch on T.V. and no good video games to play. All of my friends are busy so there's nothing to do. So, here are some things you can do to fulfill your time!!! 1. Study for school - it doesn't sound fun, but it'll be worth it when school comes around. 2. Do that one thing you never have time for - do it because you have time. 3. Post stuff on a blog - if you're lucky, you can make $$$$$ (probably not) 4. Try to make a YouTube channel - In my opinion that's too much work. 5. Eat - Only bad thing, you'll get fat lol 6. Workout - to burn that fat YAY 7. Make a list of random things - So you can do those things on the list!!! Unless it's a list of animals or something. 8. Clean - It doesn't sound fun, but it'll probably be worth it in the end (plus you probably won't even finish cleaning)! 9. Go through your clothes - Kinda like cleaning, but you can see if you want new clothes...

Hawaii Oahu Part 2

So I forgot to post on my blog, but I just came back from my trip at Hawaii on Wednesday 12 A.M. I was sooooooo tired. During the 2nd part of my trip I went to a Hyatt hotel with 40 floors! I got to be in the regency club (Thanks Mom and Dad)! There was free breakfast, appetizers, and desert. I also went snorkeling, but it wasn't that fun since there were so many people and it was sandy. I ate lots of food, mostly junk, but I ate some spam musubi and shaved ice. YUM!!! It was fun there. My brother and I dug huge holes in the sand. We literally had out own little pool. lol. I hope I can go back sometime, oh yeah, I forgot, the staff at the hotel were really nice. The cake was really good because it was handmade! P.S. WILSON STOP COMMENTING

Hawaii Oahu Part 1

I'm in Oahu at Disney's Aulani. It's really fun to begin  with but then later it gets boring.  There are lots of water activities like waterslides, lazy rivers, and water parks.  You can't do scavenger hunts and get beads for a keychain. The food here is pretty good I went to a pancake place  called co-op pancakes and the snacks that you can buy at Costco are really good. You can watch free movies at Disney Alani and room service is very good.  I got shaved ice with good Hawaiian flavors.  Sadly I have to leave Alani today, hopefully I can go snorkeling and have more fun later. OK this is the end of part one bye.

Writing Class

Gee my day was so complicated. I don't wanna forget it so I'm saying it here. I bring my summer camp bag into my dad's car, then he drops me off at my grandparents because my dad and mom are going to look at tile for the bathroom in my house. After writing class my mom picks me up, but she forgets to transfer my lunch into her car. So, I get The Habit for lunch and go to my summer camp, but I have no bag. Eh, who cares. I come home and I still have a full lunch. lol.


Giants are doing HORRIBLE. A's aren't as bad as the Giants, but still are last in American League. The A's have been mostly doing well because of the players they brought up from the minor league. Rockies are doing better than other seasons. Astros are really good right now. The Giants didn't win the playoffs last year, but this year, the only chance they will have getting into the postseason is being a wild card. GOOD LUCK TO OUR BAY AREA TEAMS!!! P.S. I like the A's YAY!!!

Posting Stuffffff

I totally forgot to post stuff on my blog lol. Okay, so the Warriors won! YAY! K.D. MVP, not that surprising. Honestly, I know nothing about basketball or politics or anything. Seriously. Except, I'm taking a boring writing class now, sigh. I'm reading Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.  Not super fun..... BUT I HOPE MY REST OF MY SUMMER WILL BE FUN!!!!

End of Game 3 Warriors .vs. Cavaliers

So the Warriors were lucky enough to win game three. They were doing okay in the beginning, but then they started to fall back. I think the Cavaliers might of won if they didn't make LeBron and Irving play the whole 2nd half. The Warriors have a good chance of winning the finals now. If they win the next game, they will be the first team ever to sweep the NBA playoffs. GOOD LUCK WARRIORS!!!

Game 3 Warriors .vs. Cavs

Today is game three!!!! If the Warriors win today, they probably will win the championships, if the Cavaliers win today, they will have a chance. Look at how many shots in the paint both teams have missed! So you never know who will win. Kevin Durant is doing pretty well for his first NBA playoff games this season. Who do you guys think will win MVP for playoffs?

Warriors .vs. Cavaliers

I think Warriors will probably win the NBA finals, but you never know who's gonna win since the Warriors weren't so successful last year. LeBron isn't doing so well this year and the Warriors have K.D. on their team now. Honestly, I think the Warriors will probably win in game 5 or 6 because their doing pretty well so far.

How the blogs work....

I'm not sure how blogs really work and I'm just making this blog to have something to do during summer. One of my friends convinced me to write a blog and so yeah, this is it I guess.

What is this blog about?

Not much, just some random things that seem interesting to me.